Stumbling Inside Dis/Positions: The (Un) Home of Education

Marla Morris, Mary Aswell Doll

Research output: Contribution to book or proceedingChapter

1 Scopus citations


<p> Georgia Southern faculty member Marla B. Morris authored "Stumbling Inside Dis/Positions: The (Un) Home of Education" in <em> Expanding Curriculum Theory: Dis/Positions and Lines of Flight. </em></p><p> <strong> Book Summary: </strong> This book brings together some of the newest work in curriculum studies to explore central questions that swirl inside (and out) of the field: <ul> <li> What counts as curriculum research? </li> <li> What procedures are considered legitimate for the production of knowledge? </li> <li> What forms shape the making of explanations? </li> <li> What constitutes proof? </li> </ul></p><p> It forefronts work by curriculum theorists who are interested in looking at educational problems from a vantage point that questions current models of research--one that suggests adopting "lines of flight" or multiplicities that offer promise to disentangle curriculum theory from traditional research hierarchies and methods-driven dependence on formalities.</p><p> In <em> Expanding Curriculum Theory: Dis/positions and Lines of Flight </em> : <ul> <li> The essays are connected by their shared concern for combining alternative methodologies, such as textual analysis, discourse theory, hermeneutics, and post-structuralism with perspectives on race, class, gender, and sexual orientation. </li> <li> Disciplinary boundaries are blurred as curriculum theory is interwoven with cultural studies, political theory, psychoanalysis, dance, technology, and other fields. </li> <li> To assist readers in understanding the various essays, as well as comparing, contrasting, and connecting them with each other, each chapter opens with a "Thinking Beyond" section. The questions posed are designed to make the text engaging and pedagogically friendly. </li> </ul></p><p> By doing all this within an overall poststructural framework that encourages and demonstrates creativity, multidisciplinarity, and new lines of flight, this volume makes a unique contribution to expanding curriculum theory. It is a stimulating text for students, faculty, and researchers in the field.</p>
Original languageAmerican English
Title of host publicationExpanding Curriculum Theory: Dis/Positions and Lines of Flight
StatePublished - Feb 29 2004


  • Educational Methods
  • Curriculum and Social Inquiry
  • Curriculum and Instruction
  • Educational Assessment, Evaluation, and Research


  • Dispositions
  • Education


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