Survey on e-Learning Implementation in Eastern-Europe - Spotlight on Romania

Ioana R. Goldbach, Felix G. Hamza-Lup

Research output: Contribution to book or proceedingChapter


Rapid proliferation of mobile technology and the Internet in Eastern-Europe for the past decade has had a significant impact on information distribution and has facilitated the introduction of novel e-Learning systems and technologies. The rapid growth and use of technology, as well as the ongoing transition towards a knowledge-based society of the workforce, has triggered in Romania the need and pressure to learn continuously. The paper provides an overview on e-Learning developments in Eastern-Europe taking as case-study Romania. As part of the European Union (EU), Romanian’s education system is developed and evolves in the context of EU’s regulations. However, recent developments in the area of online learning in Eastern Europe, specifically the fast pace of development of these systems in Russia could have a strong impact on regional markets. A comparison with US developments in e-Learning is provided to emphasize common issues in the development and adoption of e-Learning systems.

Original languageAmerican English
Title of host publicationProceedings of the International Conference on Mobile, Hybrid, and Online Learning
StatePublished - Mar 20 2017


  • Computer Sciences


  • Eastern-Europe
  • Learning management systems
  • Online learning
  • Romania
  • e-Learning implementation


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