Tar reduction in biomass syngas using heat exchanger and vegetable oil bubbler

Sunil Thapa, Natarianto Indrawan, Prakashbhai R. Bhoi, Ajay Kumar, Raymond L. Huhnke

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

28 Scopus citations


A heat exchanger and vegetable oil bubbling system was designed and tested for biomass-generated syngas cooling and cleaning. The fully enclosed heat exchanger contained water at 15 °C, with syngas having to travel 35 m3/s. Using canola oil, the bubbler was tested at 70 and 100 mm oil depths and 5 and 10 mm syngas bubble sizes to determine the effect of tar removal. The results showed that tar removal efficiency was significantly affected by oil depth and bubble size; however, the interaction between bubble size and oil depth was not significant. About 60% of tars was removed by the heat exchanger alone and 96% of the remaining tars was removed by the oil bubbler when used in series with the heat exchanger. Overall, tar reduction efficiency of 98.5% was achieved with the heat exchanger plus oil bubbler having oil depth of 100 mm and syngas bubble size of 5 mm. Heat exchanger removed most of the tars by cooling the syngas below its dew point but syngas tars with low dew point was absorbed in the oil bubbler.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)402-409
Number of pages8
StatePublished - May 15 2019


  • Biomass
  • Gasification
  • Oil bubbler
  • Syngas cleaning
  • Tar


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