Teaching about prejudice with a Bogardus Social Distance Scale activity: Replication and extension

Trent W Maurer, Cassidy Keim

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This study presents a three-year replication and extension of Maurer’s (2013) evaluation of a classroom activity to reduce prejudice and discrimination. Students in six sections of an introductory family science course were assigned to one of three conditions and one of two target marginalized groups for a 3x2 design. Results differed significantly from those reported by Maurer (2013), and suggested that all three methods tested were equally effective in reducing prejudice and discrimination and that such changes were lasting. Additionally, a student participant served as a co-inquirer on this project, and her reflections on the process are included.

Original languageAmerican English
JournalInternational Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning
StatePublished - Jan 1 2018


  • Human Ecology


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