Teaching Evidence-Based Management in MBA Programs: What Evidence Is There?

Steven D. Charlier, Kenneth G. Brown, Sara L. Rynes

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

58 Scopus citations


We examine the degree to which required management courses in U.S.-based MBA programs make reference to the emerging evidence-based management (EBM) movement. More than 800 required management course syllabi from 333 programs were reviewed for either explicit reference to the concept of EBM, or verbiage within course descriptions that was consistent with teaching evidence-based management principles. In addition, instructor, course, and institution-level characteristics were examined as potential correlates of references to EBM. Using a liberal operationalization of EBM (i.e., keywords or phrases that are consistent with evidence-based management principles), results suggest that approximately 25% of core MBA management courses utilize EBM in some form. However, there are substantial differences across categories of course content and depending on whether the instructor has a PhD. Evidence-based management-consistent syllabi are most prevalent at the MBA level in organizational behavior and least in international management and entrepreneurship. Suggestions for future research, as well as an exemplary course description from an EBM syllabus, are offered.
Original languageAmerican English
JournalAcademy of Management Learning and Education
StatePublished - Jun 1 2011


  • Business schools curricula
  • Business teachers
  • Doctoral degree
  • Evidence-based management
  • MBA
  • Outlines

DC Disciplines

  • Business


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