Teaching Real-Time Streaming Analytics with Microsoft Azure and Power BI

Loreen Powell, Hayden Wimmer, Ekene Micheal Nwobodo

Research output: Contribution to book or proceedingChapter


Business and data analytics is a growing field with many career opportunities. As a result, many information system and technology related degree programs are integrating business and data analytics courses into their curriculum. However, this is a limited amount of teaching resources available on this topic. This paper will add the body of knowledge and teaching resources regarding business and data analytics. Specifically, this paper aims to explain real-time digital data streaming, explore business and data analytic tools used for collecting, organization, and visualizing data, as well as explain possible implementation and usage.

Original languageAmerican English
Title of host publicationProceedings of the Information Systems Education Conference
StatePublished - Nov 11 2016


  • Computer Sciences


  • Analytics
  • Microsoft Azure
  • Power BI
  • Real-time
  • Streaming


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