The Effects of Mobility and Redundancy on Wireless Video Streaming Over MANETs

Lei Chen, Chung Wei Lee

Research output: Contribution to book or proceedingChapter

2 Scopus citations


This study examines the extended use of different coding schemes (Scalable vs. Multiple Description or MD) in different video formats (MPEG vs. Motion JPEG or MJPEG) in a Mobile Ad Hoc Network (MANET) environment and proposes a set of redundancy solutions at different coding levels. Simulations and analysis demonstrate and explain the relationship among the coding schemes, video formats, level and amount of redundancy, mobility of mobile devices, CPU load and battery life and frame loss rate at the receiver side. Finally, two practical scenarios are used to illustrate these findings and proposed solutions.
Original languageAmerican English
Title of host publicationProceedings of the International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications
StatePublished - Mar 25 2008


  • Databases and Information Systems


  • MANETs
  • Mobility
  • Redundancy
  • Wireless video streaming


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