The good neighbor policy and the americas

Research output: Contribution to book or proceedingChapterpeer-review

2 Scopus citations
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationA Companion to Franklin D. Roosevelt
Number of pages22
ISBN (Print)9781444330168
StatePublished - Apr 20 2011

Scopus Subject Areas

  • General Arts and Humanities


  • Crawley, nonintervention not meaning a discontinuation of intervention - arguing, that the Good Neighbor policy was "a form of continued domination in disguise"
  • First major test of the Good Neighbor policy in Cuba - and American intervention since 1902, Cuban elites in symbiotic relationship with American business interests
  • Good Neighbor policy, and origins - presidencies of Republicans Calvin Coolidge and Herbert Hoover (1923-33)
  • Green contending, that Roosevelt's Good Neighbor policy - "unsuccessful in resolving basic inter-American conflicts"
  • Historian Fredrick B. Pike, publishing FDR's Good Neighbor Policy:Sixty Years of Generally Gentle Chaos - rejecting historical schools of thought
  • Negative American public reaction, Department of State - imperialistic military interventions in Latin America, new American policy safeguarding US national interests
  • Primary resource materials, and Good Neighbor policy - in The Foreign Relations of the United States, referred to as FRUS
  • The Good Neighbor Policy and the Americas - ascribed to American foreign policy toward 20 independent nations of Latin America, administration of President Roosevelt
  • The Good Neighbor policy, interventionism in Central America - tightening the system, far beyond anything
  • Wood, Green, Steward and Pike, differing in their approach to the Good Neighbor policy - litany of events, most historians can agree upon

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