The Impact of Online Shopping Experience on Risk Perceptions and Online Purchase Intentions: Does Product Category Matter?

Bo Dai, Sandra Forsythe, Wi-Suk Kwon

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


The purpose of this study is to examine the influence of online shopping experience on perception of specific types of risks associated with online shopping and how each type of risk perceptions influences online purchase intentions. A conceptual model was proposed to illustrate the relationships between online shopping experience and perceptions of product, financial, and privacy risks associated with online shopping, and how both experience and risk perceptions impact online purchase intentions. The results indicate that online shopping experience is a strong positive predictor of online shoppers’ purchase intentions for the two product categories (i.e. non-digital and digital products) examined. Online shopping experience is negatively related to perceptions of product and financial risks associated with online shopping regardless of product category; but only reduce privacy risk associated with shopping non-digital products online. Interestingly, although both product and financial risks are negatively related to online purchase intentions for non-digital and marginally for digital product, privacy risk perception is not related to online shopping intentions for either of the product categories. Findings are discussed with theoretical and managerial implications.
Original languageAmerican English
JournalJournal of Electronic Commerce
StatePublished - Feb 2014


  • Business
  • E-Commerce


  • Experience
  • Online purchase intentions
  • Perceived risk
  • Product category


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