The Library Liaison System at the Hong Kong Baptist University Library

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


The Library Liaison System at the Hong Kong Baptist University Library was established more than thirty years ago. The purpose of the System is to promote the library services and foster communication between the Library and academic units. Over the years, this system has become a necessary part of the academic activities on campus. This article describes the purpose and scope of the Library Liaison System at the Hong Kong Baptist University Library, and the role and responsibilities of its subject liaison librarians. This article also describes how liaison librarians conduct their work through engagement, communication, research consultation, user instruction, and collection development. In conclusion, this article discusses the challenges of the Library's transformation of its Liaison System.

香港浸会大学图书馆的学科馆员制度(Liaison Librarian System)已有30多年的历史,初衷是为了推动图书馆服务并建立与学科部门之间的沟通渠道。多年来,该制度已经成为大学学术活动中必要的组成部分。文章描述了香港浸会大学图书馆学科联系服务的目的和范围,学科馆员的角色和任务;也从参与、沟通、参考咨询、读者教育以及馆藏发展等方面描述了浸大图书馆学科馆员的具体实践工作;最后讨论了学科馆员制度在转型中遇到的挑战。
Original languageAmerican English
JournalLibrary (图书馆)
StatePublished - Apr 2016


  • Library and Information Science


  • Hong Kong Baptist University
  • Library
  • Library liaison system


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