title = "The Past and Present of a Model American Community: The City of Greenbelt, Maryland",
abstract = " 地方自治是美国政治的独特景观,而Greenbelt市是美国社区自治的样板之一。其基本治理结构是自治基础上的专家行政,居民可以通过选举、参加咨询委员会、志愿组织等多种形式实现自治。本文系统介绍美国马里兰州Greenbelt市的地方社区自治模式,冀望对我国的社区发展起到借鉴作用。",
keywords = "City, Greenbelt, Maryland, Model American society, Past, Present",
author = "Clement Lau and Yingxiang Sun",
note = "【主办单位】中国人民大学公共政策与公共安全研究所(Institute of Public Policy & Public Security,Remnin University of China)、美国南加利福尼亚大学政策、规划与发展学院(School of Policy,Planning and Development,University of Southern California)",
year = "2007",
month = sep,
language = "American English",
volume = "9",
journal = "Community Magazine",