The Pathway to Net Zero Energy Buildings: A Practical Practitioner Guide

Celine Manoosingh, Bonnie McMakin, Debalina Ghosh

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Net Zero Energy Buildings (NZEB) are being constructed throughout the United States, promoting construction practices that achieve more than the minimum energy performance required to meet current codes and demonstrating their financial feasibility. The practicality of these technologies have been proven, in many cases, to improve energy efficiencies, and to provide buildings with capabilities to produce the energy levels necessary to sustain the building operation systems while maintaining comfort and minimizing the financial payback period of the investment. Broadly, these strategies include changes in site selection, water efficiencies, reducing energy consumption, and utilizing environmentally benign materials. This paper presents a detailed review of existing and developing technologies and their effectiveness in replacing conventional design and building strategies at all levels of the design and construction process. In addition, this work provides a user-friendly road map to assist practitioners in planning and implementing the energy reduction strategies necessary to move toward achieving energy efficiency, improving the indoor air quality and constructing buildings zero energy ready. Strategies for implementing energy efficiency measures in low-cost, budget-restrained conditions are also described.

Original languageAmerican English
JournalInternational Journal of Current Engineering and Technology
StatePublished - Nov 17 2016


  • Civil and Environmental Engineering


  • NZEB
  • net zero energy buildings


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