The Threats on the Biodiversity of Gökova Specially Protected Area and Solutions for a Sustainable Environment

Erdoğan Okuş, Ahsen Yüksek, I. Noyan Yilmaz, Asli Aslan, S. Ünsal Karhan, Nazlı Demirel, Volkan Demir, Sibel Zeki

Research output: Contribution to conferencePresentation


The marine biodiversity of Gökova specially protected area (SPA) lead a serious contradiction between conservation of biodiversity and human use. Among 723 macroscopic species, Gokova SPA sheltered 34 species under protection. However, possible solutions have been proposed to the authorities for the problems recorded during this study. Problems related to over fishing, anchoring, wastewater reclamation, the yacht tourism and aquaculture needs immediate attention and some progress to solve these problems has already been achieved. The further measures should include other threats on the biodiversity such as the selective fishing, trading of protected species and habitat loss due to land use. Solutions on scientific basis should be developed in order to conserve the marine biodiversity as well as a sustainable fisheries and ecotourism in specially protected areas and Gokova Spa is a promising example for such attempts.
Original languageAmerican English
StatePublished - Nov 13 2007
EventInternational Conference on the Mediterranean Coastal Environment (MEDCOAST) - Alexandria, Egypt
Duration: Nov 13 2007 → …


ConferenceInternational Conference on the Mediterranean Coastal Environment (MEDCOAST)
Period11/13/07 → …


  • Environmental Health
  • Environmental Health and Protection
  • Environmental Public Health
  • Public Health


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