Toward an Efficient, Highly Scalable Maximum Clique Solver for Massive Graphs

Ronald D. Hagan, Charles A. Philips, Kai Wang, Gary L. Rogers, Michael A. Langston

Research output: Contribution to book or proceedingChapter

2 Scopus citations


As the size of available data sets grows, so too does the demand for efficient parallel algorithms that will yield the solution to complex combinatorial problems on graphs that may be too large to fit entirely in memory. In previous work, we have provided a set of out-of-core algorithms to solve one of the central examples of such a problem, maximum clique. In this paper, we review the algorithms and report on our ongoing work to use them as a starting point for an optimized, highly scalable implementation of a maximum clique solver.
Original languageAmerican English
Title of host publicationProceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Big Data
StatePublished - Oct 27 2014


  • Engineering
  • Computer Sciences


  • Algorithm design and analysis
  • Big data
  • Conferences
  • Memory management
  • Optimization
  • Parallel algorithms
  • Roads
  • big data
  • maximum clique
  • out-of-core
  • parallel graph algorithms


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