Towards Interpreting Models to Orchestrate IaaS Multi-Cloud Infrastructures

Mark Allison, Stephen Turner, Andrew A. Allen

Research output: Contribution to book or proceedingChapter

4 Scopus citations


One challenge to the cloud computing paradigm is the task complexity associated with designing and managing multi-cloud solutions based on operational objectives. Heterogeneous vendor interfaces and a lack of standardization compounds this complexity and may eventually lead to vendor lock-in. In this article we present a model driven approach to allowing network administrators to intuitively describe and rapidly realize non-trivial IaaS behavior in realtime. We have developed iCloudML, an interpreted domain-specific modeling language and its interpreter as tooling support for the domain.

Original languageAmerican English
Title of host publicationProceedings of the International Conference on Computer Science and Education
StatePublished - Jul 22 2015


  • Computer Sciences


  • Biological system modeling
  • Cloud computing
  • Data models
  • Object oriented modeling
  • Quality of service
  • Runtime
  • Syntactics


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