Training Student Assistants on Diversity Literacy Through a Cross Departmental Mentorship Program

Research output: Contribution to conferencePresentation


This presentation will focus on a unique collaboration between library departments to train student assistants with an emphasis on inclusive excellence literacy. As Georgia Southern University made Inclusive Excellence a central theme in the university’s strategic plan, the University Libraries wanted to ensure that student assistants also receive diversity literacy skills that directly translates to their current role at the library. The Access Services and Technical Services Departments joined forces to create a student assistant mentorship program that includes professional development workshops offered by the University Libraries Diversity Council. This program is focused on connecting diversity and inclusive excellence literacy to mentorship and training the whole person and not just a functional employee. In addition to workshops, and individual mentorship sessions, student assistants learn about work/life balance, diversity and inclusion and how these skills directly translate to their current role as a student assistant and how they will apply to their future careers. Students attended workshops on the use of pronouns and idioms as well as microaggressions and they are encouraged to use the Georgia Southern University Libraries Brain Booth, a space dedicated to mindfulness and stress reduction. This program itself is also viewed as a practice in inclusive excellence. In general, student assistants in libraries are seen more as periphery staff and not integral and valued members of the team. This program is meant to change that sentiment, and provide a sense of collegiality and teamwork with our student assistants.

Original languageAmerican English
StatePublished - Mar 30 2023
EventGeorgia International Conference on Information Literacy - Savannah, United States
Duration: Mar 30 2023Mar 30 2023 (Link to conference archive)


ConferenceGeorgia International Conference on Information Literacy
Abbreviated titleGICOIL
Country/TerritoryUnited States
Internet address


  • Library and Information Science
  • Social and Behavioral Sciences


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