Transitioning from High School Mathematics to College Mathematics

David R. Stone, Susan Boddiford, Lydia Bragg

Research output: Contribution to conferencePresentation


The first two goals of the University System’s STEM initiative are “promoting K-12 student preparation for and interest in majoring in STEM fields in college”, and “increasing the success of STEM majors in college” The mathematics that many students “learn” in high school does not always transfer to the mathematics that they are expected to learn in college. We want to be sure that the K-12 preparation is actually preparing students for their college mathematics courses, realizing that a bad math experience for a college freshman usually sends him/ her out of the STEM pipeline. The purpose of this session is to initiate conversations between all faculty so that a smooth transition may take place between high school and college mathematics.

Original languageAmerican English
StatePublished - Mar 8 2013


  • College
  • High School
  • K-12 preparation
  • Mathematics
  • STEM

DC Disciplines

  • Higher Education and Teaching
  • Mathematics
  • Science and Mathematics Education


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