Trefftz-Type Boundary Elements for Plate Problems

Research output: Contribution to book or proceedingChapter


For isotropic and anisotropic plates, in extension and under bending, solution representations in terms of arbitrary complex functions are used. With the aid of the solution representations, one can systematically construct infinite series of linearly independent trial functions for the displacements and stresses. For the complex functions Cauchy integrals are chosen which are discretized along the boundary of the solution domain. The shape functions for every boundary element much be chosen such that all limit values on the boundary exist and all displacements and stresses remain finite everywhere in the solution domain and on the boundary. Since the trial functions satisfy the governing differential equations, they can be considered Trefftz-trial functions. The term "Trefftz-type boundary elements" is used for the description of the presented algorithm because the (Trefftz-)trial functions depend on a boundary element discretization.
Original languageAmerican English
Title of host publicationBoundary Element Methods - Fundamentals and Applications
StatePublished - Feb 1992


  • Trefftz-type
  • Boundary Elements
  • Plate Problems

DC Disciplines

  • Mathematics


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