Understanding the Face of Humanity- The Rohingya Genocide

Nalanda Roy, Stephanie Mae Pedron

Research output: Contribution to book or proceedingChapter


Understanding the Face of Humanity-The Rohingya Genocide is an engaging and endearing account of the persecution of the Rohingyas in Myanmar. The Rohingya case study at its core is a rigorous chronicle of one of the worst humanitarian crises of our time. Today, the Rohingyas are a stateless Muslim minority originating from Myanmar’s Rakhine State and thought to number about one million people. During the first democratic elections since the end of military rule, Rohingyas were not allowed to participate either as candidates or as voters and after Suu Kyi became the de-facto leader in a power-sharing agreement with the military, the persecution of the Rohingyas spiraled out of control completely. The chapterr will provide an excellent grounding and foundation for understanding this Muslim minority group and their struggle to gain recognition and justice among other ethnic groups within Myanmar. The chapter will trace the history of the Rohingyas and the origins of their persecution; explain why there had been several failed attempts both by ASEAN and the International Criminal Court (ICC) to provide justice to the people persecuted in the Rakhine state; dig deep into the question as to why the Rohingyas weren’t one of them when the new citizenship laws were passed identifying 135 national ethnic groups. Last but not least, the chapter will use the national integration framework to examine why unifying contrasting identities or polyethnic societies under one government is really difficult.

Original languageAmerican English
Title of host publicationNationalism: Past as Prologue
StatePublished - Mar 1 2021


  • Political Science
  • Asian Studies


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