Unresting the Curriculum: Queer Projects, Queer Imaginings

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Prior to becoming a faculty member at Georgia Southern University, Marla B. Morris authored "Unresting the Curriculum: Queer Projects, Queer Imaginings" in Queer Theory in Education.

Book Summary: Theoretical studies in curriculum have begun to move into cultural studies--one vibrant and increasingly visible sector of which is queer theory. Queer Theory in Education brings together the most prominent and promising scholars in the field of education--primarily but not exclusively in curriculum--in the first volume on queer theory in education. In his perceptive introduction, the editor outlines queer theory as it is emerging in the field of education, its significance for all scholars and teachers, and its relation to queer theory in literacy theory and more generally, in the humanities.
Original languageAmerican English
Title of host publicationQueer Theory in Education
StatePublished - Sep 3 1998


  • Curriculum
  • Queer imagining
  • Queer projects
  • Unresting

DC Disciplines

  • Curriculum and Instruction

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