Urotensins I and II: Presence in the Same or Different Neurons of a Fish Caudal Neurosecretory System

Brett A. Larson, R. S. Nishioka, D. Pearson, H. A. Bern

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niv., Los Angeles. Urotensin I (UI), closely related to ovine CRF, and urotensin II (UII) are both produced by the teleost caudal neurosecre? tory system. Antisera to Gillichthys UII and to CRF were used in the indirect im- munofluorescence technique to immunostain alternate serial sections of Gillichthys posterior spinal cord and urophysis. Nearly all neurons and nerve fibers and the urophysis specifically reacted for CRF/UI but with varied intensity. Some lightly-staining CRF/UI neurons also stained for UII. The number of neurons with only CRF/UI-like immunoreactivity exceeded those with both CRF/UI- and UII- like immunoreactivity. Thus, at least two populations of neurons exist in the Gil? lichthys caudal neurosecretory system: 1) CRF/UI cells and 2) cells immunoreac? tive for both CRF/UI and UII. (Aided by NIH CA 09041, NIH fellowship NSO7260 to B.L., NSF PCM 81-10111 and NIH NS 18863.)
Original languageAmerican English
Title of host publicationAmerican Zoologists
StatePublished - 1984


  • Life Sciences
  • Biology


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