Using Multiple and Mixed Methods to Investigate Emotions in Educational Contexts

Paul A. Schutz, Jessica T. DeCuir-Gunby, Meca R. Williams-Johnson

Research output: Contribution to book or proceedingChapter

14 Scopus citations


The emotions associated with educational settings tend to be multidimensional and situated within social historical contexts. As such, the research methods and methodologies used to investigate emotions in education need to match that level of complexity. In this chapter the authors discuss the usefulness of approaching emotions in education contexts from a problem solving perspective that engages the use of multiple and mixed research methods. In addition, the authors outline their current theoretical approaches as well as the research methods and models associated with multiple and mixed methods research. Finally, they discuss the strengths and challenges of approaching emotions in education from multiple and mixed methods perspectives.

Original languageAmerican English
Title of host publicationMethodological Advances in Research on Emotions in Education
StatePublished - Mar 11 2016


  • Educational Methods
  • Curriculum and Social Inquiry
  • Curriculum and Instruction
  • Educational Assessment, Evaluation, and Research


  • Ecological dynamic systems perspective
  • Mixed methods
  • Multiple methods
  • Personally enacted social-historical contexts
  • Socially constructed


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