Using Realist Social Theory to Explain Project Outcomes

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


In researching IS phenomena, many different theoretical lenses have been advanced. This paper proposes the use of Margaret Archer’s Morphogenetic Approach to Analytical Dualism (MAAD) as a social theoretic approach to explain why social phenomena may occur in a case study. This paper provides a brief overview to MAAD, providing a description of its tenets and methodology for use in an empirical study. As an example, the author applies MAAD to the implementation of Lotus Notes in the Alpha consulting organization as reported by Orlikowski (2000). This approach shows that the differential success of the implementation efforts in the different organizations was due to the diverse cultures and possible experiences with technology found in those organizations. This example shows that the use of this social theory can provide explanatory purchase where social phenomena are involved. For practitioners, it suggests that structural analysis at the beginning of a project may provide direction as to how to make the project more successful.
Original languageAmerican English
JournalInternational Journal of Information Technology Project Management
StatePublished - 2010


  • Management Information Systems
  • Organizational Behavior and Theory
  • Other Business


  • Critical Realism
  • Morphogenetic Theory
  • Project management


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