VERB™ Summer Scorecard: Increasing Tween Girls’ Vigorous Physical Activity

Moya L. Alfonso, Zachary Thompson, Gavin T. Colquitt, Robert J. McDermott, Jeffery A. Jones, Carol A. Bryant, Courtney H. Anita, Jenna L. Davis, Yiliang Zhu

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

2 Scopus citations


OBJECTIVE: We assessed changes in the frequency of self-reported physical activity (PA) among tween girls exposed and not exposed to the VERB™ Summer Scorecard (VSS) intervention in Lexington, Kentucky, during 2004, 2006, and 2007. METHODS: Girls who reported 0-1day per week of PA were classified as having little or no PA. Girls who reported 2-3days of PA were classified as low PA performers; 4-5days of PA were labeled as moderate performers; and 6-7days of PA were identified as high performers. Logit regression analysis of survey data from girls identified trends in PA frequency across time. RESULTS: In 2004, participant girls were more likely than girls unfamiliar with VSS (reference group girls) to report high frequency of PA (OR=1.44, CI=1.18, 1.70). In 2006, participants were statistically less likely than reference group girls to report low frequency of PA (OR=1.75, CI=1.33, 2.21). In 2007, VSS participants were consistently more likely to report moderate frequency (OR=1.56, CI=1.35, 1.77) and high frequency of PA (OR=1.44, CI=1.24, 1.64) than reference group girls. CONCLUSION: An innovative, community-driven intervention demonstrated promise for increasing PA among tween girls. VSS may have transportability to other communities to help reverse the secular trend of declining PA for this population segment.

Original languageAmerican English
JournalJournal of School Health
StatePublished - Mar 1 2013


  • Community Health and Preventive Medicine
  • Public Health Education and Promotion
  • Public Health
  • Women's Studies


  • Community-based health promotion
  • Girls
  • Intervention
  • Obesity
  • Overweight
  • Physical activity
  • Tweens
  • Youth


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