Weakly Ding injective modules and complexes

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We consider two classes of modules over coherent rings: the Gorenstein FP-injective modules, and the weakly Ding injective modules. The Gorenstein FP-injective modules are the cycles of the exact complexes of FP-injective modules. The weakly Ding injective modules are the cycles of the exact complexes of FP-injective modules that stay exact when applying a functor (Formula presented.) for any FP-injective module A. We prove that the class of Gorenstein FP-injective modules is both covering and preenveloping over any (left) coherent ring with the property that every injective module has finite flat dimension. We also prove that, over the same type of rings, the class of weakly Ding injectives, (Formula presented.), is preenveloping in (Formula presented.). If, moreover, (Formula presented.) is closed under extensions, then (Formula presented.) is a hereditary cotorsion pair. In particular, this is the case when R is a Ding Chen ring, and (Formula presented.) is closed under extensions. We show that if R is a Ding Chen ring such that every FP-injective module has finite projective dimension, then the two classes of modules coincide. Consequently, the class of weakly Ding injective modules is also covering in this case. In the last part of the paper we prove some analogue results for Gorenstein FP-injective complexes and for weakly Ding injective complexes.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)4899-4912
Number of pages14
JournalCommunications in Algebra
Issue number12
StatePublished - 2023

Scopus Subject Areas

  • Algebra and Number Theory


  • Ding injective complexes
  • Ding injective modules


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