What Is a p-Value?

Research output: Contribution to conferencePresentation


<p> Many students have a di&ffilig;cult time understanding p-values. This paper presents a simple demonstration that has been used in class many times to illustrate the concept when testing a proportion. It is an active learning exercise that uses only a (possibly) altered deck of cards, and either graphing calculators (TI 80 series) or a computer package to simulate the p-value for the test. It can be expanded (if desired) to also demonstrate the power of a test.</p>
Original languageAmerican English
StatePublished - Mar 14 2009
EventMAA Southeastern Section Meeting -
Duration: Mar 14 2009 → …


ConferenceMAA Southeastern Section Meeting
Period03/14/09 → …


  • Mathematics


  • P-value


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