When Business Attraction Hits It Big

Research output: Contribution to conferencePresentation


When a new major employer joins a
community and adds thousands of jobs, the economic
environment changes. This economic shock has impacts
on the community due to the building of more housing
and the increase in road traffic. Additionally, many existing
businesses and other organizations must adjust their
operations in unforeseen ways. In turn, these changes
influence community leaders to look for ways to manage
the growth that is happening or will happen in the area.
For some community leaders the top of mind concern is
finding/developing the required workforce while others
focus on housing or retail development. The one common
theme that unites each of these priorities is the need for
universities to holistically examine the changing economic
environment and help communities develop a growth
management strategy. As researchers this leads us to seek
out appropriate research methods and best practices for
growth management. It is this search for methods and best
practices that is the driving focus of the session.
Original languageAmerican English
StatePublished - Oct 15 2023
Event76Th Annual AUBER Full Conference , The Future of Work - San Antonio , United States
Duration: Oct 14 2023Oct 17 2023


Conference76Th Annual AUBER Full Conference , The Future of Work
Country/TerritoryUnited States
CitySan Antonio
Internet address


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