Wind-Solar Hybrid Power System Cost Analysis using HOMER for Statesboro, Georgia

Shantu Ghose, Adel El-Shahat, Rami J. Haddad

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


This paper analyses a wind-solar hybrid power system design for Statesboro, Georgia. First of all, accessibility of wind and solar resources of Statesboro has been checked. For comparison purposes both off-grid and on-grid are designed and optimized. The cost analysis is performed utilizing HOMER software based on solar irradiance, wind speed and load profile. Based on different combination and simulation results, it has been found that our proposed model would be a reasonable solution for electricity generation at this area.

Original languageAmerican English
JournalProceedings of the IEEE SoutheastCon
StatePublished - Mar 30 2017


  • Electrical and Computer Engineering


  • Hybrid Power System
  • NPC


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